Genetic Enhancement of Families

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Subject: LCSH

Bioethics, Genetic engineering, Parenting


Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Genetic enhancement may have little effect compared to the influence of parents, schools and other institutions. There is danger in parents seeking fulfillment for their children in genetic technology: “faith in the efficacy of genetic technologies could lead parents to de-emphasize important parts of parental responsibility. In addition, a faith in genetic modification of offspring could encourage the emphasis by parents of narrow, artificially defined traits.” Those chosen traits may be subject to trends. The nurturing of popular traits may defeat the nurturing of children’s innate personalities and society’s need for diversity. “Bioethicists need to join the conversation about appropriate research before it becomes technology.”


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Publisher Citation

McGee G: Genetic enhancement of families. In McGee, Glenn. Pragmatic Bioethics. Nashville, Tenn: Vanderbilt University Press, 1999., pp. ISBN: 9780826513212
