Document Type


Publication Date


MeSH Terms

Fisheries--manpower, Job Satisfaction

Subject: LCSH

Fisheries, Job satisfaction, Well-being


Biology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


"This study presents unique comparisons, across space and time, regarding aspects of fishers’ perception of their job satisfaction and well-being between two geographic areas where fishing constitutes integral part of the local economy and culture: the Northeast Region US and the Caribbean. Examining differences in aspects of job satisfaction and well-being in such highly different environments (both human and natural) will provide information for developing models to understand how different stressors (e.g. changes in the natural, socio-cultural, economic and managerial environments) affect those whose livelihoods depend directly on fishery resources. Models elucidating relationships between environmental and anthropogenic changes and the well-being of resource dependent populations will provide indispensable input for the development of strategies that incorporate both natural and human objectives in preserving and maintaining essential ecosystem services." (from the second page)


This is the authors' accepted version of the article published in Ocean & Coastal Management. The version of record is located at



Publisher Citation

Seara, T., Pollnac, R. B., Poggie, J. J., Garcia-Quijano, C., Monnereau, I., Ruiz, V. (2017). "Fishing as therapy: Impacts on job satisfaction and implications for fishery management." Ocean & Coastal Management, 141, 1-9.
