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Subject: LCSH

Dialogism (Literary analysis)


Business Administration, Management, and Operations


We question Systems Theory by adopting a Bakhtinian dialogism approach. We argue that a dialogism approach gets us beyond first order cybernetic (control) and second order (open) system thinking to a third order cybernetics (multi- dialogisms). We believe third order cybernetic theory is an extension of Bakhtin's work. We explore how dialogue is not equivalent to polyphonic dialogism; the later does not assume being in same time and space, as in some meeting. Further, we look at three other dialogisms (stylistic, chronotopic, & architectonic). Multi- dialogisms raise questions for dialog, learning, and appreciative inquiry approaches. We conclude with insights on how dialogism is already a part of organization practice, and ways to enhance dialogic competence. Keywords: Dialogism, dialogicality, systems theory, third cybernetics, storytelling, cybernetics


Published under CC/BY-NC license (Creative Commons license with attribution, no commercial use; click on link for details).

Publisher Citation

Boje, D. M. & Al Arkoubi , K. "Third Cybernetic Revolution: Beyond Open to Dialogic System Theories," (2005), Tamara Journal, 4 (2), 138-150.
