Document Type


Publication Date


Subject: LCSH

Storytelling, Organizational behavior


Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Online courses are becoming popular in business education and require creative strategies to maintain students’ engagement and facilitate contextual and complex understanding of class concepts and theories. In this paper, we are proposing an exercise for online undergraduate Organizational Behavior courses to motivate students and enhance their understanding of class concepts through the use of storytelling. In this exercise, students work in teams to narrate stories that describe with rich detail different concepts and theories pertaining to team management in general and virtual team management in particular. The results suggest that students develop a higher level of critical thinking in virtual team management by storytelling and develop strong relations with other members of their virtual teams.


This article was published open-access in Academy of Educational Leadership Journal .

Publisher Citation

Mendez, M. J., Al Arkoubi, K., & Cai-Hillon, Y. (2015). Business leadership education: A virtual storytellers exercise. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19(1), 31-42.
