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Subject: LCSH
Juvenile corrections
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Consistent with virtually all other states in the nation, in the mid-1990s legislation was enacted in Pennsylvania to address increasing concerns about serious and violent juvenile offending. This legislation included provisions for facilitating the transfer of violent juvenile offenders to adult criminal court. The current study examines contemporary practitioner perceptions of juvenile transfer to adult court, with regard to the number of juveniles transferred, the effectiveness of this practice, and the appropriate minimum age for transfer to occur. Utilizing statewide survey data, comparisons are made between juvenile court judges, probation officers, prosecutors, and public defenders, and other predictors are assessed. The findings indicate modest overall support for transferring juveniles to adult court, with various significant differences across practitioner groups. Policy implications are discussed.
Repository Citation
Myers, David; Lee, Daniel; Giever, Dennis; and Gilliam, Jay, "Practitioner Perceptions of Juvenile Transfer in Pennsylvania" (2010). Criminal Justice Faculty Publications. 31.
Publisher Citation
Myers, D. L., Lee, D., Giever, D., & Gilliam, J. (2010). Practitioner perceptions of juvenile transfer in Pennsylvania. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 9(3):1541204010391216.
This is the authors' accepted version of the article published in Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. The final version is available at Sage Publications: