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"On one of my many trips to the prison library, I found several articles that struck me deeply. One covered the driving ban imposed on Saudi Arabian women. At the same time, another exposed the harsh reality of around 100 million girls who had undergone female genital mutilation, with millions more at risk across Africa and beyond. I tore these pages from the magazines, slipped them into my pockets, and returned them to my cell.
Reflecting on what I’d read, I began experimenting with the concept of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” This idea seemed to reinforce a grim truth: women were often expected not to feel, live, or choose but merely to look sexually attractive, bear children, and serve men.
These stories evoked a vivid memory from my childhood in Puerto Rico. I vividly recall a warm evening when my aunt—who held the dual role of my beloved guardian—joined a local Christian church. We stood expectantly outside our home and awaited the arrival of the church van.
When the van pulled up, my aunt raised me to sit on the seat, but the driver, a stern figure with an imposing presence, stopped her from stepping inside. His words pierced the evening's tranquility as he instructed her to go back home, change out of her pants for a long, modest skirt, and remove the makeup from her face. Her expression shifted from confusion to a forced acceptance, and I have never forgotten the look of shame on her face.
This tryptic is a window to a past that shouldn’t have a resounding echo today. Sadly, our recent presidential election serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing struggles surrounding women’s rights globally, echoing the challenges that continue to shape our societal landscape."
Created 2014/2024
This work of art is acrylic on canvas and is a tryptic, 24” by 54”.
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Repository Citation
Rodriguez, Hector, "I Woman (Mutilation)" (2014). Digital Exhibits. 22.