The Literary Humor of the Urban Northeast, 1830-1890
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Author URLs
Preface --
Introduction --
Jonathan's visit to the celestial empire / James K. Paulding --
Steam / William Cox --
Peter Brush; or, The great used up ; News-boy / Joseph C. Neal --
Stage competitors : a tale of the road / George P. Morris --
Female colleges / Thomas C. Haliburton --
Pumpkin freshet ; How to tell a story / Seba Smith & Elizabeth Oakes Smith (Mrs. Seba Smith) --
from Struggles and triumphs ; or, Forty years' recollections of P.T. Barnum / P.T. Barnum ; Barnum and the barber / Anon. ; Man that got humbugged / Anon. --
from Pluri-bus-tah ; from American civilization illustrated : a great slave auction / Mortimer N. Thomson (Q.K. Philander Doesticks, P.B.) --
from The new Yankee Doodle / E. Jane Gay (Truman Trumbull, A.M.) --
Bone ornaments ; Breitmann in battle ; Ballad ; Ballad apout de rowdies ; from Breitmann in politics ; Rise and fall of Gloryville ; Zion Jersey Boggs : a legend of Philadelphia ; Story of Mr. Scroper, architect / Charles G. Leland --
Barnum's first speech in Congress ; Petticoat government ; Cannibalism in the cars ; Mark Twain on his muscle / Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) --
Inspired lobbyist / John W. DeForest --
Jenette Finster's story / Marietta Holley (Josiah Allen's wife) --
Further selections from various sources --
from A pickle for the knowing ones; or, Plain truth in a homespun dress / Timothy Dexter ; Speech of David Wood while standing in the pillory at Charlestown, N.H., May 27th, 1797, for forging a deed / Anon. ; Pickpocket training poem on credit / Anon. ; Muggy morning off Sandy Hook : a yarn spun by a Yankee tar / Anon. ; Soliloquy of a low thief ; Prince of Wales / Charles F. Browne (Artemus Ward) ; First locomotive / Anon. ; Picketing--an afecting war incident /Anon. ; Amerikan aristokrasy / Henry W. Shaw (Josh Billings) ; Essays on animated nature : Meleagris Gallopavo--the American turkey / Anon. ; Why she could not be his wife / Anon. --
Bibliographical essay.
Publication Date
Louisiana State University Press
Baton Rouge
Humor, Northeastern United States, Urban
Subject: LCSH
American literature--Northeastern States, American wit and humor--Northeastern States, Northeastern States--Literary collections, City and town life--Literary collections, American literature--19th century.
American Studies | English Language and Literature
Repository Citation
Sloane, David E.E., "The Literary Humor of the Urban Northeast, 1830-1890" (1983). English Faculty Book Series. 6.
Publisher Citation
Sloane, D. E. E., ed. (1983). The Literary humor of the urban Northeast, 1830-1890. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press.
Two volumes.