The Imperial Career of Gustav Mannerheim: Mobility and Identity of a Non-Russian Within the Russian Empire
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Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Subject: LCSH
Mannerheim, Carl Gustaf Emil, 1867-1951, Russia
Book description: This volume presents the lives of mobile elites and their impact on the processes of change in the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires during the second half of the 19th century. Using the notion of "imperial biographies," it illuminates connections between individual life stories and the course of empire, giving due attention to personal interpretations of experience in different multi-ethnic contexts.
Repository Citation
Woodworth, Bradley. "The Imperial Career of Gustav Mannerheim: Mobility and Identity of a Non-Russian within the Russian Empire,” in Eliten im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland und Österreich-Ungarn (1850-1918) [Elites in the multiethnic empire: Imperial careers in Russia and the Habsburg Empire, 1850-1918],Tim Buchen and Malte Rolf, editors (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015), pp. 135-154. ISBN-13: 978-3110416022
Publisher Citation
Woodworth, Bradley. "The Imperial Career of Gustav Mannerheim: Mobility and Identity of a Non-Russian within the Russian Empire,” in Eliten im Vielvölkerreich: Imperiale Biographien in Russland und Österreich-Ungarn (1850-1918) [Elites in the multiethnic empire: Imperial careers in Russia and the Habsburg Empire, 1850-1918],Tim Buchen and Malte Rolf, editors (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015), pp. 135-154. ISBN-13: 978-3110416022