Date of Submission


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Kagya Omoako

Committee Member

Walter Oko

Committee Member

Nikolas Stasulli

Committee Member

Shue Wang


Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee


Total knee replacement


Replacing a weight-bearing joint is accompanied by long procedures, even longer recovery times, and intensive monitoring. This burden increases after infection; a complication requiring revision surgeries and therefore extensive additional recovery time. Infection can present itself at any time during the process, making it hard to predict. Currently, a two-part revision surgery is completed by removing all infected tissue and implanting an antibiotic spacer. The spacer fills the joint gap and is removed prior to the revision total knee replacement. A revision total knee replacement follows the same procedure as the initial surgery. Not only is this detrimental to patient health; it is an inefficient use of time, money and other resources. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a nitric oxide releasing biomaterial on biofilm protected bacteria. The biomaterial coating was then applied to a prosthetic knee replacement device. Observing the devices’ levels of bacterial adhesion proved the compound’s efficacy. This was done by first using a custom petri dish and in vitro bacteria cultures to study the effects of the modified polymer [1] on sessile bacteria. Following culture trials, a total knee prosthetic model device was coated with the modified polymer, and then analyzed for stability and bactericidal properties. The overall bacteria viability on the petri dishes when NO samples were applied, was determined to be 26.7%. The newly designed inserts of the total knee replacement device were also deemed safe and efficient for their specific applications.

Available for download on Tuesday, July 30, 2024
