Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Effect of Antibiotics in Preventing Borrelia burgdorferi Biofilm Formation, Jay Manish Pandya
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Identification of Bacterial Transcriptomic Signatures in Breast Cancer Tissues Using Publicly Available Datasets, Rasaq Awosemo
Levels of Metals Found in Fundulus heteroclitus Across Rivers of Southern Connecticut, Taylor J. Babcock
Differentiation of Hair from Individuals with Similar Hair Color Using Amino Acid Ratios Obtained from GC-MS Analysis, Emma Brownlie
Evaluating the Potential of Differentiating Somatic Origin of Hair Using Microscopy and Amino Acid Analysis, Alyssa Campbell
Effects of Ethanol on Gaba Transaminase, Mary Corrigan
The Detection of Blood and the Recovery of DNA from Heat-Damaged Surfaces, Teresa A. DiStefano
BRICS: The World’s New Emerging Economic Alliance, Robert J. Flanigan III
Application of Agent-Based Simulation and Game Theory in Evaluating Implementation of Whole Genome Sequencing in Treating Lung Cancer, Fateme Ghalenoei
Comparison of Biofilm Community Diversity and Accumulation on Polypropylene Microplastic Versus Natural Stone in an Unimpaired and Impaired Section of the Quinnipiac River Watershed, Anne L. Gilewski LVT
The Role of Attachment and Childhood Trauma for Men Parenting During the Reentry Phase: A Mixed Methods Secondary Analysis, Lily A. Hoerner
Effect of Borrelia burgdorferi Outer Membrane Vesicles on Inflammatory Markers of Breast Cancer Cells, Jasmine Avinash Jathan
Effect of Heat-Induced Damage on the Efficiency of Possible DNA Repair Mechanisms, Sydney M. Leffler
N-Methylation of Amphetamine by Phenylethanolamine n- Methyltransferase: Implications for Chronic Therapeutic Use, Mackenzie Pavlik
Automated Concrete Bridge Deck Inspection Using Unmanned Aerial Systems Collected Data: A Machine Learning Approach, Rojal Pokhrel
Identification of Viral mRNA in Epstein-Barr Virus Isolated from Human Heart Biopsy Samples, Pentela Sri Aravinda Prakash
Recovery of Nuclear DNA from Skeletal Remains Decomposed in Freshwater, Zoe L. Sikon
Interpersonal Theory and Community Supervision: Exploring the Role of Interpersonal Problems and their Effect on Probation and Parole Compliance and Attitudes, Madison A. Wrenn
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Non-planar 3D Printing of Thermosetting Prepolymers, Junaid Abid Ali
Characterizing the Developmental Role of Autism-Risk Gene adnp in a Zebrafish Model for Autism, Vaishnavi Balaji
Trace DNA Detection Using Diamond Dye: A Recovery Technique to Yield More DNA, Leah Davis
Effect of B. Burgdorferi on the Expression of miRNAs in Breast Cancer and Normal Mammary Epithelial Cells, Ananya Debbarma
An Evaluation of the Effect Of Degradation on IrisPlex SNPs, Maria Gruber
Rattus Norvegicus as a Biological Detector of Clandestine Remains and the Use of Ultrasonic Vocalizations as a Locating Mechanism, Gabrielle M. Johnston
Global Transcriptomic Analysis of Breast Cancer Cells Infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, Vishwa Khatri
Evidence for the Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Invasive Breast Cancer Tissues, Niraj Patel
Biomarkers in Borrelia burgdorferi infected triple-negative breast cancer cells, Sambuddha Paul
Optimization of Hydraulic Cylinder Positioning for Wind Tower Hydraulic Erection System, Anbesh Rawal
Evidence for the Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi Biofilm in Infected Mouse Tissues, Thippani Sahaja
Serviceability Analysis and Feasibility Study of Rooftop PV System on Commercial Buildings in New York City, Daniel A. Shedo
The Impact of Bone Marrow Transplantation on Forensic Human Identification and Genetic Genealogy Testing, Lisa A. Sikop
Evaluation of Raman Microspectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging as a Screening Tool to Determine Optimal Sampling Sites for DNA Recovery from Human Skeletal Remains, Kathleen M. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Post Pandemic Cyberbiosecurity Threats from Terrorist Groups, Haley D. Dodge
Numerical Modelling of Elastic Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media Using the Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and Elastodynamic Finite Integration Technique (EFIT), Seth M. Golembeski
The Rise of Terrorism in Africa and What It Means For U.S. Policymakers, Bridget Mary Hughes
Effect of Borrelia Burgdorferi on MicroRNA Expression Levels in Normal and Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Miranda Mansolf
Virtual Teams During Covid-19: A Study on Group Perceptions, Emergent States, and Outcomes, Thomas Montagna
Near-Infrared Dye-Glycogen Conjugates for Photodynamic and Photothermal Therapy, Farbod Shirinichi
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Effect of Borrelia Burgdorferi on the Amyloid-Beta and Phospho-Tau markers and Oxidative Stress Response of Neuroblastoma Cells, Dina Elzohiry
Analysis of Benthic Infauna in Long Island Sound using GIS Spatial Techniques, Nicole Govert
Mining Bitcoin to Avoid Sanctions, Tyler C. Lubin
Evaluating Effect of Folic Acid on Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Cells with Impaired DNA Repair System, Suneeti Madhavan
Design of an Automatic Fish Processing Line Using Machine Learning, Sangam Mainali
The Effects of Drift Macroalgae on Macrobenthic Community Structure in New Haven Harbor, Andrea T. McCarthy
Politics Beyond Putin: Assessing the Future Stability of Electoral Authoritarianism in the Russian Federation, Daniel Mitsianis
Effects of Bacterial Metabolites in Conditioned Media on Colon Cancer Proliferation, Hunter Panier
The Affect of Globalization on Terrorism, Philip R. Passante
Using Zebrafish as a Model System for Studying the Autism Risk Gene adnp in Early Embryonic Development, William Theune
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Non-PLL Direct Power Control for a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Three-Level Inverter, King Ademola Adebo
Investigating the Role of the 5’UTR region of TMEV in Viral Myocarditis, Maryam Alqahtani
Human Trafficking and the Media, Samantha N. Blum
Development of a Nomogram to Predict the Maximum Contact Stress Between a Bridge I-Girder and a Support Roller, Thanin Chanmalai
Dewatering of Chlorella Through Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Formation for Biofuel Production, Charles Dow
The Use of Low-Cost Sensors and a Convolutional Neural Network to Detect and Classify Mini-Drones, Austin Florio
Effect of Borrelia burgdorferi on Normal and Neoplastic Mammary Epithelial Cells, Gauri Gaur
Studying the Repair Enzyme DNA Polymerase Beta Isoforms and Cell Viability in a Neuroblastoma Model Exposed to the Oxidative Stress Menadione, Michelle Gregoire
Solar PV Feasibility Study on Higher Education Institutions in Connecticut, Sai Pujitha Karanam
Emergency Management Plan to Increase Resilience in Transportation Sector Vehicles to an EMP Attack, Julian A. LoRusso
Operational Decision-Making in Healthcare Using Control Charts, Rohan More
Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) of Additively Manufactured Metal (AMM) Parts Using Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Austin M. Thomas
The Development and Evaluation of a New Analytical Model for the Characterization of Friction Induced Disc Brake Vibration, Michael Vladimirov
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a Model for Borrelia burgdorferi Infection, Min Zhang
Adaptive Discounting in Reinforcement Learning, Milan Zinzuvadiya
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Mapping Sex Offenders and Treatment Centers in Relation to Social Disorganization, Amber Amin
A Machine Learning Technology for Rapid Detection of Carbon Nanotubes/DNA Hybridization in Biosensor Healthcare Applications, Steven K. Ang
Machine Learning Applications to Predict Road Crash and Soccer Game Outcomes, Lu Bai
Multiple Contacts of Drug Contaminated Fingermarks and Their Analysis with Raman Microspectroscopy, Victoria DePrimo
Detection of Larval Aggregations Using a Drone Mounted Thermal Imaging Camera, Megan Descalzi
Assay Development for the Identification of Species and Bioactive compounds of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) in Dietary Supplements by rt-qPCR, DNA Sanger Sequencing and Spectroscopy (UV-Vis/FTIR), Ricardo L. Fernandez Walker
Addressing Barriers to Preventative Health Care for Transgender Populations: A Systems Approach to Improving Access to Gynecological Care, Meghan N. Flynn
Desertification Assessment Using MEDALUS Method and GIS Techniques in North America Arid Environments, Essdik Bashir Habashi
Small RNA Sequencing and RT-qPCR Validation of Forensically Relevant Body Fluids, Karly Johannsen
Chemical Dechlorination of Atrazine Using a Magnesium/Palladium Bimetallic System, Sandrine Jurado
Effects of the Synthetic Corticosteroid Prednisolone on the Growth and Osmoregulatory Physiology of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Matt C. Kalinowski
Benchmarking OECD Countries’ Sustainable Development Performance: A Goal-Specific PCA Approach, Shyam Lamichhane
Comparing the Efficiencies of Common Extraction Methods for Explosive Residues Off Various Surfaces Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Shannon E. Lamy
Determining the Interference of Lactate and Lactate Dehydrogenase in an Ethanol Enzyme Assay, Julia Liebl
Measurement of Polishing Rate as a Function of Pad-Independent Abrasive Friction for Chemical Mechanical Polishing, Christopher McGowan
DNA Methylation Methods for Donor Age Prediction Using Touch DNA, Emily Neverett
Characterizing Vegetative Communities Across the Salt Marsh to Upland Ecotone in Connecticut: Indications of Tidal Inundation Stress in the High Marsh, Matthew J. Ormrod
Forensic Body Fluid Identification with the Epitect® Bisulfite Kit and the Reliablity of DNA Methylation with Real Time qPCR, Mandy A. Pascu
Direct Assessment of Entrepreneurial Minded Learning Through Integrated E-Learning Modules, Aadtiyasinh Rana
Forensic Characterization and Discrimination of Manila Envelopes, María Isabel Sánchez Melo
Macrobenthos Responses to Dam Removal and Habitat Restoration in the West River, Connecticut, Robert W. Sheridan
Construction of a Reference Allelic Ladder for an Odocoileus STR Multiplex, Jolene Strand
Influence of Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors in Crumb Rubber on the Growth and Reproduction of Fundulus heteroclitus, Michael Torselli
Nekton Usage of High Marsh Habitats in Connecticut Salt Marshes, with Emphasis on the Genus Fundulus, Amanda L. Tucker
Conflict Management Training in Video-Based Teams, Alexis Ward
The Impact of Environmental Degradation on the Analysis of Manufactured Fibers, Alexis R. Weber
Infection Control in Total Knee Replacement Prosthesis Using Nitric Oxide Releasing Biomaterials, Ashley Widing
Investigating the Masking Effects of Blood on Organic Gunshot Residue Using GC/MS, Raman, and ATR-FTIR, Tyler Willits
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Investigating Novel Methods for Estimating Time Since Deposition (TSD) of Bloodstains in Forensic Samples, Amanda LJ Adams